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As a London entertainer for hire, summer, with it's weddings, office parties, and private shindigs popping up faster than my unpaid bills, is when I go from "starving artist" to "artist who can afford slightly better instant noodles".
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40th Birthday party, Bexleyheath
Company shinding, Tower Bridge
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"Bingo!" - Booked to entertain the punters at a Mercur bingo hall in north London. Okay I'll it isn't quite office party entertainment - but it is his "office". Office parties are rarely held anywhere near an actual office, more like a rooftop, garden, bar, boat...or at a push, a bingo hall...!
Summer company (cabling guys) party at a rooftop bar in Southwark. This composition for the sketch below was requested and outlined to me by the three subjects. As refusal can often offend, I was only too happy to comply; certain elements have been pixellated.
staff party entertainment hire
Boat Couple
Linked in
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Chic summer garden party entertainment chez "The Vache", a stately home located in the heart of the Chilterns in Bucks, where they host baroque music festivals (?!) as well as their own in-house private party knees-ups
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Thames cruise corporate boat-as-office party entertainment'n'summertime smiles a-gogo :D
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Wedding afters in an Islington watering-hole, post-restaurant and pre-karaoke bar. Was invited along to sing but did them a favour & declined.
Corporate Jubilee office party entertainment in Barbican @ the London HQ of a well-known social media platform primarily used for professional networking & job-hunting (tip: rhymes with inked-in ;)
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work party entertainment london 1_edited
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Before signing up with inkedin, I didn't know any strangers - !
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16th birthday house party at the home of the client. Grays, Essex
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La Vache Girl
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